Adult Education
The goal of the Adult Education program is to provide you with an opportunity to maintain or improve your reading, writing, math and computer skills.
Whether you want to learn new things, refresh or upgrade your skills, Adult Education is uniquely geared to your interests!
Skills we focus on:
Reading Skills
reading strategies, understanding what you read, books, schedules, maps, labels, recipes, signs, reading for work, menus, etc.
Writing Skills
e-mails, notes, stories, poems, journals, essays, spelling, etc.
Math Skills
Budgeting, using a calculator, money skills, basic and advanced operations, telling time, etc.
Computer & Tablet Skills
Microsoft applications, basic operations, educational programs, the internet, email, using an iPad, typing practice, etc.
Our program options:
The goal of the Adult Education program is to provide you with an opportunity to maintain or improve your reading, writing, math and computer skills.
One-on-One Tutoring
You are matched with a tutor
Sessions are 1 hour per week
Fee for service with a staff tutor (paid with passport funding)
No charge service with a volunteer (for participants without passport funding)
Gateway Group Literacy Classes
Classes include some of the reading, writing, computer skills and, perhaps, some math that you would use in everyday life.
These upgrading classes are offered in partnership with the Thames Valley District School Board.
No charge service.
The Learning Club
Work on individual literacy goals and group activities in this fun year-round program.
3 hours per week
Fee-for-service program with a monthly cost.
Special Interest Groups/Clubs
Examples include book clubs, tablet/computer classes, and budgeting. Check the Adult Education calendar to find out which groups are being offered now.
Fees for special interest groups are listed in the calendar.
Learn more about how to qualify below.
How to qualify for our services:
Have a disability or barrier
Motivated and willing to commit time to work toward your learning goals
16 years of age or older and not still in high school (19 years of age or older for the TVDSB classes)
Once registered, you will meet with the Adult Education staff to review your current literacy level and to determine your goals in the program.