About Hutton House
Hutton House promotes and supports persons with disabilities through learning and life enhancing programs that focus on each individual's strengths, abilities and interests.
We advocate for and support persons with disabilities through life enhancing programs that focus on each individual's strengths, abilities and interests.
Persons with disabilities have equal access to participate in their community.
We value diversity, equity, inclusion and full participation in community life
We value the opportunity to work with other organizations to make the best use of community resources
We value excellence through competent staff and volunteers
We value innovation through the expertise of our staff, partners, volunteers and students
We value a learning culture for skill development and growth
We value equitable access for people to participate in our services
We will practice clear, open and honest communication
We will promote an environment where people feel safe, comfortable, important and have choices
We will encourage people to be actively engaged in directing their future by helping them develop and achieve their goals

The History of Hutton House
Hutton House Association for Adults with disabilities has come a long way since opening its doors over 70 years ago in 1952, and not just in name and location changes. What started out as a few classes with 26 participants has grown to provide service to approximately 1500 participants each year, currently in 6 locations across the city.
Some things however, remain unchanged, including our commitment to providing a safe, comfortable environment where people can learn, grow and achieve their goals.
The Association for Handicapped Adults was established with 26 adults with disabilities taking classes in leather work, weaving, jewelry making, felt, hooked rugs, ceramics and shell work.
The Association negotiated with the City of London to purchase the Hutton Road School property through a grant from the city and adopted the name Hutton House in honour of the Hutton Road School. In that same year, Hutton House achieved annual funding from the Ministry of Community and Social Services.
The Retail Careers Training program was established that later changed its name to the Employment Support Program and moved to Cherryhill Village Mall. A grand opening of a new space at Cherryhill with Access Voluntarism, Adult Education, the Employment Support Program and Youth En Route took place in October of 2002.
The Access Voluntarism program was established, enabling individuals with disabilities to share their time and talents by volunteering in the community.
Day Break was established to deliver day respite for 12 young adults with significant disabilities.
Sheltered workshops closed and in their place ARTworks and LIFEworks 2 were introduced and a smaller gift shop was opened on site. It was this year that the corporate name of the association became Hutton House Association for Adults with Disabilities.
In this year, Hutton House opened a booth at the Western Fair Farmer’s Market, established a Passport position to assist individuals who receive funding through DSO and the Skills 4 Life program was established in partnership with Fanshawe College.
Hutton House received a 2 year grant to fund the Community Engagement Program providing services to address the needs in the east end of the city, the Medavie Health Foundation provided an additional donation to enhance out program at the Grove at Western Fair to continue to address food security needs in our community and Project SEARCH started in partnership with Parkwood Hospital and the Thames Valley District School Board.
Our Board of Directors
Jon Lavkulich
Eric Riley
Vice Chair
Duncan McLean
Nelson Rodrigues
Claudia Bayona
Bill Mills
Kris Nyhout
Jill Craven
Madison Blackwell
Laura McFalls
Kaywyn Allison
Phungma Yonghang
Auxillary Board Participant
Al MacKinnon